Last Sunday I woke to the most beautiful scene in my yard. I love the snow. Granted I came home from SLC earlier than planned to beat this storm. I am definitely not a big fan of driving in the snow! But to wake up in your own bed, the world white with snow, with not major drive ahead of you is so wonderful!

This cabin is in my backyard and is one of my favorite things! We moved this cabin from Huntington, by taking it apart and numbering the logs, then reconstructing it here.

I think it is time to put my bike away. My sister Jodi is awesome in restoring bikes and fixed up my C J Higgins and I love it. I love to ride the old style bikes. There is something about riding them that grounds you and brings you back home again.
This was the year all of our children went to other family for Thanksgiving. Leon and I could have gone to SLC, to have dinner with my mom, or his sister, but we have not been able to stay home for a number of years. We were still debating what to do when Mack ask if we were going to be around for Thanksgiving and if we would like to help with the dinner at the Senior Citizen's center. Last year we had gone up to SLC and helped a friend who does dinner for the homeless under the viaduct. That was such a great experience that we wanted to continue doing something like that. This was just the ticket.
Leon woke up early and put the turkeys on(I got to sleep in). I got up and went in my sewing room and was met by this wonderful surprise. Ice had made lacey patterns on the windows. Later we heard it was 29 below in Panguitch. No wonder I had this wonderful ice display on my window.

We went down to the Senior Center at 10:00 and got busy setting up the place for dinner. Leon loves to cook and he set off making stuffing and gravy. We had cooked 2 turkeys that morning and others had cooked 5 more. I love the smell of Thanksgiving. It just warms you all the way through. Pat and Mack had it so organized that we had everything done and ready for dinner by 1:05. It was so nice to see those who came and shared Thanksgiving with us. Wonderful food, visiting with friends old and new, great music by Brad and his family, what more could we want. We shared dinner with about 80 folks and many dinners went out to those who couldn't come in. Truly the spirit of Thanksgiving was evident here. Leon and I were so glad to be a small part of it.

Pat checking Leon's progress on the stuffing.

This was the only bump in the road the whole day and I didn't even think it was a bump. This is the way I love my marshmallows any time. So I sacrificed and spooned all the burnt marshmallows off into a bowl and ate them(can't waste anything). The only thing missing was chocolate and graham crackers! Loved it!

Leon is giving Shawn a hard time about making the potatoes(which turned out awesome by the way!)

A big thank you for all the hard work that Mack and Pat do to make this a great event. We felt very blessed to be part of this fun day.
I do have to say though I went home got into the tub, promptly fell asleep, woke when the water was cold and got into bed at 7:30. 7:40 I was sound to sleep! Woke up at 6:00 got up and got ready for work. Amazing what a little sleep can do for you!
I hope that all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and travel safe where ever you must go. I will leave you with this quote I love from Ralph Waldo Emerson:
"The only gift is a portion of thyself."
May we give thanks every day for the blessings we have and remember those in need of a friend, food, a hug, a moment of time, a kind word, a smile and a listening ear.